Let’s take your business to the next level with a funding strategy
Today is the day to maximize your funding strategy. When an opportunity presents itself that can take your business to the next level you want to be ready. What’s missing – funding. The kind of funding that will serve as ‘rocket fuel’ to propel your enterprise. The Unicorn Group offers seasoned venture capital consulting to get you the right funding strategy to succeed.
Whether raising an initial seed stage or subsequent rounds of funding, a targeted strategy and a structured, focused approach are prerequisites to success. A Rolodex full of contacts with angel investors, venture capital or private equity firms wouldn’t hurt either. Unicorn has the contacts, the methodology, and the credibility to guide you through this process so that you can secure required funding, without taking your eye off the full-time job of building a viable and thriving business.
The Unicorn Group will listen to your needs and develop a strategy that will best position you to increase your chances to secure the necessary debt or equity capital. We’ll review your business plan, drill down into the pro formas, make sure the marketing materials tell the story, and make recommendations where needed. In addition we can provide training and coaching on presenting to potential investors and schedule meetings for you with banks, angel investors, venture capitalist, and private equity firms based on your objectives. We’ll attend the meeting with you and support your effort every step of the way.