by Alltop RSS | Mar 22, 2017 | Business Enhancements
Filed under: News, Space, Science & TechAmericans from coast to coast will have the opportunity to see one of the most spectacular celestial sights on the face of the Earth this summer when a total solar eclipse sweeps across the United States for the first time...
by Alltop RSS | Jan 14, 2017 | Business Enhancements
Filed under: News, SpaceJan 14 (Reuters) – A SpaceX Falcon rocket blasted off from California on Saturday, returning the company to flight for the first time since a fiery launchpad explosion in September.The launch of the 230-foot (70-meter) rocket from...
by Alltop RSS | Jan 5, 2017 | Business Enhancements
Filed under: News, SpaceAstronomers have discovered structures which had long been hidden within Mars’ polar ice caps. As a news release by the Planetary Science Institute states, they include “previously obscured layering, a larger volume of frozen carbon...
by Alltop RSS | Dec 27, 2016 | Business Enhancements
Filed under: News, SpaceDec 26 (Reuters) – Vera Rubin, a U.S. astronomer who pioneered work on invisible dark matter in the universe and who some colleagues felt was overlooked for a Nobel Prize, has died at 88, her son said on Monday.Rubin died on Sunday at an...
by Alltop RSS | Oct 21, 2016 | Business Enhancements
Filed under: News, SpaceNASA scientists have much to discover about Mars, but they are getting quite a bit of help from volunteers.Citizen scientists have been assisting with locating “spiders” on Mars.The sort they’re looking for are not, of course,...