Michael Cronin, the new Tech reporter for the Austin Business Journal, will be doing weekly office hours at Capital Factory to find out about the latest and greatest tech startups in Austin. Capital Factory Members can sign up to book 30 minute spots with Michael the same way they can with more than 150 other local Mentors.
My favorite place in Capital Factory is the Mentor Area — a section of round tables and work benches reserved for the Mentors at Capital Factory to hold their office hours. Each table has 2 or 3 people huddled around it engaged in deep conversation. The energy is this room is palpable — you can feel it!
The mentor area is the place to be. https://t.co/MWVvREEkh4
In addition to our regular Mentors who come in monthly, we also have a handful of Guest Mentors every day. Many are investor visiting from out of town or prospective Mentors coming in for the first time. Other journalists have visited from AustinInno, CNN, Silicon Hills News, The Statesman, TechCrunch and VentureBeat.
Want to meet our tech reporter? Starting this week he'll be at @CapitalFactory every Friday https://t.co/49DWpd574H
— @MyABJ
If you’re interested in becoming a Mentor at Capital Factory to help pay-it-forward to first-time entrepreneurs, come join our community and get to know some of the other Members and Mentors. Everything here happens by referral!
The News comes to Capital Factory was originally published in Austin Startups on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.